[酒処えのき]渋谷のんべえ横丁  東京、渋谷で美味しいお酒とワイン。
  • 渋谷のんべえ横丁 酒処 えのき チズル日記 livedoor Blog
  • お客様の情報
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*This is a text from Mr, S with congratulatory comments on the occasion of Enoki's 25th anniversary.

I would first like to thank Enoki for its 25th anniversary and for the rest and enjoyment it has still provided over the past quarter of a century, and congratulate the shops on their prosperity.

Shibuya Nonbei Yokocho is located along the inner loop of the JR Yamanote Line and has around 40 shops.
There used to be another drinking street in Shibuya called Inari Yokocho near Route 246, but it is no longer there.
Inari Shrine is enshrined next to Kinnou Hachiman Shrine.

I first came to Nonbei Yokocho in 1956.
I didn't go to any particular restaurant, only dropping in with my seniors after a drinking session at work.

My first encounter with Enoki was when I was invited by one of my new colleagues who had been transferred to a new position at work.
The colleague, who is also my friend, passed away already.
Enoki's mama, Chizuru-san, has her warm hospitality and sometimes heated conversations are a pleasure to visit.
Above all, the food prepared behind the small counter is very tasty.
This is probably because Chizuru herself selects and stocks the ingredients before the restaurant opens, and the ingredients of the day are sold on the same day to keep them fresh.

Enoki has a wide and diverse customer base.
Many people who have left Tokyo always drop by Enoki when they come to Tokyo from time to time.
One of the reasons for the popularity of Enoki is that customers meet each other and become regulars as a result of the lively conversation between the customers and their mothers.
I don't talk about my workplace with my colleagues in Enoki.
Here, everybody calls me "Yoshio-chan".
One of the reasons I like this place so much is that people from all over the world go here.
I get to hear about the lives of ordinary people from different countries, foreign languages and cultures.
Of course, I can also hear stories from Japanese people away from work.
Also, at the beginning of the year, Chizuru-san puts up the New Year's cards of regular customers upstairs, and there are pictures of couples who were married in the shop, some with their children, which makes me smile.

There are two things that I will never forget from the last 25 years.
One rainy day, when I was passing by the shop with my camera, I looked back at Enoki and made a sketch of it with coloured pencils, which Chizuru-san framed and hung on the wall of the shop.
The picture used for the 40th celebration for Nonbei Yokocho. It was drawn by me!
Another was when a female reporter from the Japan Times came to the shop to cover the red wine boom in Japan, and I happened to be there when there was an article about red wine in the newspaper with my name on it.
I have endless memories.







*This diary was written by customer Mr S.


Now that the pandemic is over, I feel happy to go to Enoki when I feel like it as usual.

I have been coming to Enoki for almost 10 years now.
(Some of Enoki's regulars have been coming for more than 30 years‼)

The first time I went to Enoki was when a colleague took me up a narrow flight of stairs to the second floor, where about six of us had a drink.
I heard Chizuru mama's voice from the first floor and she said 'come and get your food'.
At first, I was surprised to learn that this restaurant has a system where customers go to get their food and drinks.
Every time I went to pick up the food, I had a conversation with Mama, and I got to know her humanity (loving strictness, friendliness, seriousness? lol) and thought I would come back again.

After that, I started going alone and interacting with the regulars.
I was surprised to find that the person I was casually sitting next to could be a great person, and I think the clientele is surprising.
(There were also many foreign dignitaries.)

However, I think the charm of Enoki is that the people in the space are all equal, regardless of their status or age.
(I also encountered many times scenes of great people being scolded by Mama. I often get scolded too (Lol).

I also took the female employees of the company with me, and they often talked about Mama's views on life, how to live and how to be prepared, and gave me advice on how to think about the female employees.
Mama was really helpful in telling them things that would have been power harassment if I had told them.

Chizuru Mama, please keep up the good work for Enoki fans.

 1 手を上に伸び...正しい姿勢づくり
 2 腕を振って脚を曲げ伸ばす。
 3 腕を回す..肩こり予防、血行促進、首の疲労回復
 4 胸を反らす...正しい姿勢づくり
5 体を横に曲げる….消化機管働き
 6 体を前後に曲げる….腰痛予防
7 体をねじる….内臓器官の働き
 8 腕を上下に伸ばす…瞬発力アップ
9 体を斜め下に曲げ胸を反らす...呼吸機能アップ
 10 体を回す…腰痛予防 
 11 両脚で跳ぶ…血行促進
 12 腕を振って脚を曲げ伸ばす…転倒予防

 *終わった習慣 あ〜ア〜気持ち良い〜
 は〜い ごくろ様と、スタンプを押してもらう

When I was a child, there was a community event where we would go to the school or community center around 6:00 AM morning during summer holiday to do exercise with the radio.
Radio Exercises No. 1

1. Create a straight and correct posture by extending your hands upward.
2 Bend and stretch the legs by swinging the arms.
3. Rotate arms widely. Prevent stiff shoulders, promote blood circulation, relieve neck fatigue
4. Chest bending exercise. Create correct posture
5. Bending the body sideways. Improves digestive system
6. Bending the body back and forth. Prevents lower back pain
7. Twisting exercises. Benefits internal organs
8. Arm stretching up and down. Improves instantaneous force.
9. Bending the body at an angle downwards and then bending the chest back. Improves respiratory function.
10. Exercise to rotate the body widely. Prevents lower back pain 
11. Jumping on both legs and spreading arms to the side. Promotes blood circulation
12. Bend and extend legs by swinging arms. Improves balance

The moment you finish the exercises, you may feel very comfortable.
Probably in every region of Japan, summer vacation radio exercises were stamped when they were over.
When I was a child, increasing the number of stamps I looked forward to.

I had grown up and forgotten about radio exercises.
But nowadays, when I walk in the park, I see many people exercising their bodies to the sound of old-fashioned gymnastics from the radio.
The cold winter is coming.
I wanted to take advantage of these exercises, which are very effective in increasing basic metabolism and improving blood circulation!

*This diary is written by Mr. S, a customer.


Last spring, after successfully completing a voyage of 43 years of my work, I changed to a small boat and started a second voyage.
There were storms and good things on the first voyage, but I won't go into them here.

On my second voyage, I am working hard as an old man as a retailer, but I am blessed with a good male staff.
I am surrounded by kind part-timers, and I am enjoying my days so much that I feel like I am in heaven.

Today, I would like to say "work is up to the person" as well as "the bar is up to the customers".

People say that the conductor of an orchestra is important, and I am always grateful to Chizuru-san for her wonderful conducting that connects the members of the Izakaya orchestra well even when I go alone.
The members of the Izakaya orchestra are all good people.
Please continue to be a conductor of Enoki in good health for a long long time.

From "S" who was introduced as "Mr. S who likes to ride over" in Chizuru's diary about 3 years ago

朝顔 Asagao (Morning glory) is native to South China and have arrived in Japan during the Nara or Heian periods.
At first, they were called 'Kengoshi' (牽牛子...Kengoshi) as a medicinal herb.
As the name suggests, morning glories bloom in the morning and wilt before noon.
Blooming from summer to late autumn, the flowers look cool and provide a welcome distraction from the hot summer weather.

*This diary was written by customer
"Enoki and me"

I work in western Tokyo, so I rarely go to Shibuya.
When I occasionally go to the city centre on business, Chizuru-san's face always comes to mind in the evening.

Shibuya, which was deserted for a while due to Covid-19, is now completely back to normal, including foreign tourists.
In fact, it is probably even busier than it was before the pandemic.
Even Japanese people are turning left and right at the scramble crossing.

Shibuya Nobei Yokocho.
As the name suggests, about 40 izakaya restaurants are lined up in a row.
This place, which is loved by real alchol lovers with all their hearts, seems to be a sacred place.
Foreign tourists visiting Shibuya always seem to go to Scramble Crossing and Nonbei Yokocho to experience the real thrill of the big city and the good old izakaya culture of Yokocho.

I am a newcomer, having only been visiting for more than a decade, having been taken there by a so-called regular friend.
I still can't forget my first visit which was intense.
Not in a bad way by any means.
The momentum of the conversation between Chizuru-san and the regulars was incredible.
And I was overwhelmed by another group of regulars who took in the conversation.
From that day onwards, every time we visited, my friend and I were given a seat to be in charge of the old man style gags that made the place more relaxed.
(I suppose we overestimated ourselves)
We have made the regulars fake smile at us a lot.

The other day, I reached a consensus with a few of the regulars.
1. Enoki won't let you in unless you are polite.
2.Enoki is a great coincidence in many ways.
3.All regular customers get promoted.
4.Enoki attracts adults who want to be scolded by Chizuru-san.
5.Chisuru-san will surely reach 100 years of age in plenty of time. (Yes, I'm sure she will. Lol)

I would like to tell you first, because the person who should be celebrating that will probably excuse me first.
Chizuru-san always takes each and every one of us seriously and scolds us.
Chizuru-san, who unknowingly pushes my back and cheers me up.
(In Kansai dialect) "You're great!" Thank you!
「えのき」でのお楽しみはチズルさんの笑顔、お料理、お酒、時に喝!? そして隣に座った方とのご縁。


*This diary was written by customer

My favourite part of Enoki is Chizuru's food, delicious drinks, Chizuru's smile and sometimes harsh words to motivate me.
And the chance to meet the person sitting next to you.

Sometimes it is a toast with a familiar face, but I also enjoy encounters as the once-in-a-lifetime.

Recently an old friend passed away suddenly, and there is an episode that reminds me about Enoki.
It was one winter day.
He had just retired from work and was starting a second chapter in his life.
He told me that a friend he hadn't seen for a long time suddenly emailed them and they decided to meet here at Enoki.
He told me how much he was looking forward to it, even though she hadn't seen me for decades, and I was more excited than he was.

Then I thought of a friend of mine who I would like to invite to come here one day.
I had been living abroad for a long time since I started working, and it has been difficult for them to meet me in Shibuya.
And now some friends are not able to come here with them.

However, I went to Enoki on the day I sent that friend.
Thank you, Chizuru-san, for welcoming me with the same smile as always! 
I will visit again.


*This diary was written by customer

Most schools in Japan start a new term in April.
Similarly, new employees start at companies in April.
The streets are filled with a mixture of fresh hope and nervousness as they walk with their colleagues and seniors.

A new milestone has also arrived in our family.
Our eldest daughter, who is a teacher with her husband, returned from maternity leave to take charge of the 4th grade at primary school.
My son-in-law also became a 6th-grade homeroom teacher.
My 1.5 year old grandson started going to nursery school every morning ...
He still doesn't seem to understand what is happening to himself.
When I went to pick him up, there were tear stains on his cheeks and I felt sad a bit.
This is also his first step in life, his social debut at nursery school.
Grandpa is cheering you on!

From Grandpa (who is living 60 years after you).







To eat a good meal in a relaxing place

I was so busy with work left over from the New Year's holiday and towards the end of the financial year that I kept returning home by taxi.
Whenever I feel relaxed and take a breather, I always want to go to Chizuru-san's restaurant.

When I sat down at the L-shaped counter of my favourite Enoki, I could hear "Eat me!" when I see the delicious-looking line-up of vegetables and the meal of the day which is so appetising.
After ordering a drink and some food, I start chatting with Chizuru-san and the other customers.
The people who gather at Enoki are all lovely people who all love Chizuru-san.
Whether I go alone or with friends, I can gather around Chizuru-san, so the customers are somewhat similar to each other and it becomes a fun space.

All the dishes are really delicious, but my favourite at Enoki is the Salmon Harasu.
It tastes gentle and delicious and makes me want to drink more.

My hobby is fishing, so I'd like to have Chizuru-san eat the fishes I catch one day.
My favourite fish are ama-dai and kawahagi, but now that the season is over, I think I'd like to try squid.

I'll be working for a new company from May.
I can choose my new commuting route, but I plan to buy a commuter pass on a route that passes through Shibuya with transfers so that I can go to my favourite relaxing place whenever I feel like it.
 豊かな自然の恵み。 本当に野菜が美味しくて、しかも安い。 四季折々の美しい景色もため息が出るほど素晴らしく、東京にいる友達や家族に見せてあげたいなぁといつも思っています。 
そんな素敵な田舎暮らしですが自然は優しいだけではない、例えば雪。 雪国の人で雪が好きな人はいないでしょうね。 今年は大雪が早く降りました。 朝、出勤前に除雪。 仕事から帰ってきたら車を入れるためにまた除雪(これは地味に体も心も疲れるんです)。 積もり方によっては屋根の雪下ろし。 今年(去年)はすでに3回屋根に登りました。 
 そんな自分は、東京に帰って来て渋谷に来ると、、、スクランブル交差点で深呼吸しちゃうんです。 自分で笑っちゃいますよ。 東京の空気は美味しい!
 それから『えのき』に行きます。 チズルさんとビールで乾杯すると、、、
「ハァ〜、帰ってきたぁ〜」と思うんです。 東京は自分にとって故郷だったんだなぁ。 地方の方が東京で頑張ってたまに里帰りする気持ちを身読している気がします。
 自分が暮らしている下田地域。 素晴らしい所です。 冬景色は水墨画のように美しい。 アウトドアブランドsnow peakの本社がありほぼ1年中アウトドアを楽しめるキャンプの聖地です(冬は雪中キャンプというのが流行ってるんだとか)。


*This diary was written by customer Mr K.

I live in one of the most rural areas of Niigata Prefecture, in the Shitada region of Sanjo city, Niigata Prefecture.
Four years after I started living there, I'm still impressed by the abundance of nature's bounty. 
Especially, vegetables are really tasty and cheap.
The beautiful scenery in each of the four seasons is stunning.
I always wish I could show my friends and family living in Tokyo. 

For me, it's a lovely country life, but nature is not only kind.
For example, Niigata Prefecture gets a lot of snow.
I don't think anyone from a snowy area likes snow.
Today, it snowed heavily again and I had to clear the snow in the morning before going to work.
When I came back from work, I had to clear the snow again to park my car.
(Shoveling snow after work slowly tires my body and mind.)
Depending on how much snow has accumulated, I have to remove snow from the roof.
I have already climbed on the roof three times this year...

When I come back to Tokyo, I sometimes visit Shibuya and take a deep breath at the scramble crossing.
I laugh at myself, but...
The air in Tokyo is delicious! lol
Then I go to Enoki.
When I toast to beer with Chizuru-san, I feel "Ah, I'm back!
Tokyo is my hometown.

I know people from far away are going to school and work in Tokyo and sometimes go back to their hometowns.
I suppose everyone is doing their best.

The Shitada area where I live is a wonderful place.
The winter scenery is as beautiful as an ink painting.
Also there is the headquarters of the outdoor brand Snow Peak is located here and it is a mecca for camping, where you can enjoy the outdoors almost all year round.
(I heard that snow camping is popular nowadays)
 Please visit, and if you are a customer of Enoki, I will show you around.
 I'll be back to Enoki for a drink when it gets warmer.
See you soon!




*This diary was written by customer Mr S.

Enoki is a wonderful and mysterious space for me, where human connections increase.
For some reason, it seems only people who share ideas and awareness gather here.
Why do geniuses gather here?
If the law of attraction actually exists, maybe this is the place...

The key points in organisational development that I usually try to keep in mind are 'Relationships and environments that enhance each other'.
The people and the environment make it happen.
That's how I feel.

With less than two months to go this year 2022, looking back on the year, I think we achieved our goals quite well.

The year 2022 started with continuing Covid-19 for the last 2 years.
In February, Russian troops invaded Ukraine, and the war is still going on with many casualties.
I pray that the war will soon end and we can live in peace.

On a good news, the 2022 World Cup will be held in Qatar this month.
The tournament is held once every four years and attracts attention even from non-football fans!
The Japanese national team will also be competing, so it's sure to be a hot topic of conversation in the Enoki too!
I hope they will qualify and make it to the last eight or above.

Next month will be the season of year-end parties, so please be careful not to drink too much.
L 型のカウンター



Enoki is an L-shaped counter.
A customer came to Enoki with his friend who returned to Japan after completing his student life abroad.
When he sat down on the right side of the counter and ordered his drink, he felt as if someone was staring at him.
'What if it's a beautiful woman? He looked at the woman that was his friend from his school days as well.
The world is small.

They graduated from university this year, when the Covid-19 crisis had not yet been resolved.
Both are working at university hospitals.
It was the first time they had been to an izakaya where they could enjoy conversation with strangers at a small counter like Enoki.
What was intended to be one drink, turns out to be two or three.
They listened carefully to their senior customers, timed their conversation well, told their own stories, thanked them many times and went back home with smile, apparently having a very good time.
From my point of view, they were very bright young people with a bright future to look forward to.

As we get older, regardless of gender, we tend to talk more and more about ourselves, perhaps because of our own experiences, to the extent that we are surprised at how much we talk about ourselves.
In order to listen carefully, I think it is important to have a 'trusting heart' towards the other person.
Such compassion is essential, but there are elderly people who forget to consider others and engage in one-way conversations.
They also tend to speak loudly and show their faces everywhere, making it difficult to read the atmosphere, which sometimes destroys the spirit of trust.
Let's be careful.





※This is a diary from a customer.

I first came to Enoki in 2015.
I'm still a newcomer among the regular customers of Enoki, many of whom have been coming here for many years.

At first it was a date with a girl I thought was nice.
We were looking for a place to go in Nonbee Yokocho, I could find Enoki doors as if we were drawn there.
Looking back, I wonder how they allowed us to enter the restaurant.
Attracted by the food and the atmosphere of Chizuru Mama, I headed back to Enoki a few days later.
I was so happy that Chizu-san (Chizuru Mama), who was just seeing off a customer, remembered me and after that I started coming back more often.
In 2011, I was transferred from Osaka branch to Tokyo, and I was single, hoping to find a place where I could go alone.

Enoki has various customers.
But here, regardless of industry, position, gender or age, everyone is equal in front of Chizu-san.
We happened to be next to each other and became friends at the first meeting, got drunk, laughed and exchanged business cards finally and I was surprised many times to realize they were very famous people.
I even got a business because of the enoki.
A professional lacrosse player who has appeared on this blog before also met Enoki for the first time.
I was working in sports and we discussed the business and future of sports.
I met a person who had returned to his hometown in the Kansai area after their retirement, and we had sake together.
I also welcomed Chizu-san to come to Kansai area for a visit.

When do you go to Enoki?
I feel that I don't go to Enoki when I'm at peace, but when I'm in pain or having fun.
Probably I am looking for encouragement, praise and words from Chizu san.

When I returned to Osaka for about three years from 2019, I still went to Enoki every time I went on a business trip to Tokyo. I also looked forward to talking with Chizu-san.
I take my very good friends, seniors and important customers to Enoki.
Sometimes I also use the second floor. They are all happy.
I think that it is thanks to the atmosphere of the personality of Ms. Chizuru, great food, beautiful dishes and a shop atmosphere.

Although I wrote about the enoki for me, which is not worth mentioning...
I think that everyone also has their own Enoki's memory.
I would like to keep coming to Enoki for a long time.
writing:Mr Sonobe
大学院に進学するのも悪くないと、大学院進学を決意! だが難問、日本の大学の高い学費に
エストニアの首都タリンに位置するタリン工科大学でAPPIIed Science 2018年修士号を取得
女性の手の握りか ? パソコンの使い方もわからないレベル ?

そんな話題を友人達に伝えると、 電子国家のイメージから、日本から私宛に
唯 eレジデンシーという国民IDカード(日本のマイナンバーはこれを参考にしている)

Steins Inc.代表取締役 齋藤大将

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, three countries that line up to the south of Finland, known as the Baltic States.
Mr. Hiromasa Saito, who lived in Estonia for five years, where there are almost no Japanese, is a customer of Enoki.

Let me introduce him.
Mr. Hiromasa Saito, President of Steins Inc.
M.S. in Physics, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian National University
Graduate studies in numerical analysis of literature
Worked on education in VR, VR museum, and web development business

I asked Mr. Saito what motivated him to go to Estonia.
After graduating from university in Japan, he thought about going to work for some company.
At the time, he was working part-time as a tennis coach and thought it would be good if he could continue working as a tennis coach after graduation, but his parents were against it.
His parents wanted him to get a stable job, preferably as a public servant.
It seemed like a boring job for his curious mind.

So, he decided to go to graduate school, he majored in physics at university, belonged to a research laboratory, and was interested in a research career.
However, his income at that time was not likely to be able to pay the high tuition fees of Japanese universities.
On the other hand, he heard that there were universities overseas that offered free tuition.
He started gathering information by researching on the Internet and going to embassies to talk to people, and the country he arrived at was Estonia.
He decided on Estonia because he heard that there were no Japanese, the Tallinn University of Technology had free tuition, and there were many beautiful women.
Many beautiful women, he thought there was no reason not to go there (Lol).

His TOEIC score at the time was 405, which was not very good, but he taught himself English conversation and prepared for admission to an overseas university, passed with flying colors, and moved to Estonia.
He received his Master's degree in APPIIed Science 2018 from Tallinn University of Technology located in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.
He chose to do my master's research in a laboratory in the genre of econophysics, where he applied complex networks to literature, performing numerical analysis of novels and mathematically analyzing the tendencies of authors' writing.

At that time, he had no interest in IT and was not good at using a computer.
However, Estonia is a country where IT is advanced, Business & Entrepreneurship is compulsory in all faculties, and IT-related events are held every day.

Living in such a situation, he could learn a lot about programming, AI, VR, etc.
Apart from classes and research, he has learned about programming and IT, and has pitched (conveyed my proposal to others in short, concise words) in front of investors at various events, including Haskathon.
It was interesting to see startups and other companies scattered around the university, successful businessmen teaching at the university, and investors showing up at university events to judge.
The seamless nature of "research, start, and market" is what makes Estonia unique.

When he told such a topic to his friends, he received a lot of comments from my Japanese friends because of the image of an electronic nation.
"Is there no paper used in the classroom?"
Are deliveries made by robots?"
He received messages that made him imagine the world of a science fiction movie.

But compared to Japan, there are few places to play, and the cities and infrastructure lag behind.
The only thing is that e-residency, a national ID card (like Japan's My Number card), has been allocated, so it was possible to do things like apply for taxes, real estate, used car transactions, student ID, open a bank account, and start a business in a matter of minutes.
It was more of an impression of a country where government, daily life, and business are well coordinated.

He will tell us about his life in Estonia and other European countries over drinks when we meet him at "Enoki".
Please visit him!

The FIFA World Cup will be held in Qatar in November.
Many of Enoki's customers are football fans, during the World Cup, they are always excited to talk about football.
Japan has been selected to play in the same group with Spain and Germany, I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of games they will play against their strong competitors.
Let's all cheer for them as we hope they will pass the qualifying rounds and advance to the best 8 or higher!

During the World Cup, many people gather around Shibuya station to cheer for the teams, but the atmosphere is always bizarre and loud.
I hope they will mind their manners, especially the young people! Especially the young people!
Police officers are controlling the traffic, but there are many people who are excited or making merry, I'm heartbreaking for police.
Let's have a good time, talk and drink in good manners at Enoki during this period! LOL!
Good luck to all the representatives of Japan!



真の意味での『EBO=社員がオーナーになる(Emloyees become the Owner)であり、親会社など、旧役員にGoldenパラシュートを与えたわけではない。
会社は誰のもの? と云う問いに答えるには…21世紀のあるべき会社だと自負している。

((月)役員会で評価、(火)貢献した事項、改善事項につき具体的にFeed Backする。


These are the words of Mr. Tanaka, Representative Director of BSL Insurance, a health agency.
He was born in Tokyo, graduated from the Tokyo University, and joined the former Industrial Bank of Japan in 1974.
After changing jobs several times, he started an investment company with a friend in 2002, and at the same time, he founded the insurance agency "BSL Insurance" as a subsidiary of the investment company with a young man 25 years younger than him.
After the founding of the company, they became a unique agency in the insurance industry, co-financed by several major insurance companies, by acquiring insurance for our investment portfolio!

They had difficulty turning a profit for the first three years, but gradually increased revenue and profit.
The reason for the increase in revenue; ... Mr,Tanaka said it was the talent of the people working there.

1, Securing human resources
By narrowing the market focus to corporate customers, he was able to amicably hire people headhunting with experience as corporate sales representatives at major insurance companies.
They had a strong desire to offer the best products to their clients because they were dissatisfied with only their own company's products.
They were also dissatisfied with the fact that they could only deal with their own company's products.
After we asked them to join us, some of them waited for a year before making the move, including preparation.
After that, thanks to their cooperation, we were able to gain the trust of all parties by arranging and offering products for major companies as well as for medium-sized companies.
Insurance is all about smooth payment of claims in the event of an emergency.
Since insurance agents do not have the authority to make payments, I think the fact that I was able to contribute to customers because of my background at an insurance company was also helpful in gaining their trust.
Since it is the insurance company that pays the insurance claims, it is important for the agents to have the trust of their clients.

2, Incentives
The company gave class shares (no voting rights, but they have the right to issue shares) to salespeople who came from non-life insurance companies.
It is an incentive system that if they grow the company, the value of the company will increase and so will their fractional shares.
In 2017, the company became independent from the investment company, and at that time, they were appointed to the board of directors and their shares were divided equally.
It is a true 'EBO = Employees become the Owner' and it is not a golden parachute for the parent company or the former directors.
Who owns the company?
It is only natural to ask who owns the company, since it is the employees who have grown the company.

3. Finally, human resource development
The company and its employees must mutually "share a common understanding" and "foster trust.
First, the five emotional abilities, such as aggressiveness and a sense of logic.
Five items of business execution skills such as product knowledge, persuasiveness, etc.
In total, we used a 10-item evaluation sheet as a means of evaluation.
Employees were asked to speak up about their self-evaluations, contributions they made, and areas for improvement at the company, and management provided a place to listen and evaluate the results at a board meeting.
A routine was created to provide specific weekly feedback on contributions made and areas for improvement.
In light of the results, the company notified the employees of their bonuses for the current fiscal year and their compensation for the next fiscal year during the March accounting period.

As this process is repeated over the years, the gap between the company's expectations and those of the employees is filled, and trust is fostered.
The company is only the foundation and must be 'humble.

I think these three points are the most important for management, common to any company.

I spoke with Mr. Tanaka about his work and human resources, and was so impressed by his passion for management.
I am glad to hear his precious story.


* ラクロスは、棒の先に網のついたスティック(クロス)を使い、

ラクロスの試合の記事と写真を掲載する 記者 K氏である。


Ms Sachiyo Yamada was the first Japanese to sign a sponsored contract and become a professional lacrosse player, a sport that is not very major in Japan.

**Lacrosse is played using a stick (cross) with a net on the end.
A team ball game in which players carry a tennis ball-sized ball to a goal 180 cm square for points.
The game develops at a fast tempo, and the men in particular wear helmets and shoulder pads because of the violent collisions.

Ms. Yamada first came to Enoki through an introduction by Mr. K, a reporter who used to take pictures of lacrosse games.
When Mr. K visited Enoki, he frequently brought his lacrosse teammates, both men and women.
Among them, Ms. Yamada was a very energetic woman with a unique personality and spoke in a Kansai dialect.
Later, she also became a regular customer of Enoki.

She had been an active member of the lacrosse club since her school days.
After graduating from college, she worked at a general company and was busy competing in lacrosse games on her days off.
She was very happy when she was offered a chance to become a professional, but the question of whether or not she would be able to achieve her achievements abroad, where she had never lived, troubled her.
What bothered her the most was also her marriage timing, and she spent many days agonizing over the challenge of going abroad.

I told her, 'Choose a life that is not public to yourself over a stable life,' and she decided to go to Australia.
A half year later, she was based in Australia, living back and forth between Japan and Australia.
She studied English hard and won the World Cup in England as a member of the Australian team!

Gradually, she began to see the need to increase the number of people playing the sport she loved and to promote it to the children of the future.
She now appears regularly on lacrosse-related radio programs in Japan and coaches lacrosse at universities.
As a professional lacrosse player for 15 years, she wants to make lacrosse an Olympic sport! and acted to communicate it to the world, and as a result, it is expected to be adopted for the Los Angeles Olympics, which will probably be held in the United States in 2028.
I am also supporting them.
北海道北見市「バイオ製造業環境大善株式会社」2代目社長 窪之内氏
創業者の父、北見市出身、地元のホームセンター勤務 "当時店長されていた"際
…北海道北見市の常呂川は農業用水として利用、他オホーツク海からサケやマスが戻り日本有数 ホタテなど、国と北海道、農協と酪農家が協力し、糞尿処理が進められるが多額の費用負担、経営を圧迫しかねないとの心配からの要望!


昨年 そういった活動が評価され、内閣官房及び農林水産省が選定する


Mr. Kubonouchi, the second president of the bio-manufacturer Kankyo Daizen Co.LTD located Kitami-Citym Hokkaido.

His father is the founder of the company used to work at a local home improvement center.
The dairy industry is very active in Kitami-city and the smell of cow manure has long been a problem for the local people.
He also noticed that in Kitami City, most of the houses in the neighborhood had dogs and they peed on the roadside when they walked.

One day, the founder received a complaint from a customer at a home improvement center that the disinfectant was not effective.
So he collected and tried many products from major company, but they could not improve the smell well.
From there, he became curious about deodorants and continued his search for two years.

After two years he has looked for good deodorants, his friend's dairy farmer asked him if he could sell a liquid made from cow urine decomposed by lactic acid bacteria at a home improvement center.
The Tokoro River in Kitami City, Hokkaido is used for agricultural water.
Also, salmon and trout from the Sea of Okhotsk return to the Tokoro River to produce some of the best scallops in Japan.
In order to protect this important river, the Japanese government, Hokkaido government, agricultural cooperatives, and dairy farmers have been working together to dispose of manure.
However, they were worried that the large cost of the treatment would put pressure on their business, so they were looking for a place to sell the liquid, which they believed was highly effective in eliminating odors.
When the founder smelled the liquid he brought, it was completely odorless, and after using it, the smell of cow urine, which had been a problem in the neighborhood, disappeared.

After that, the founder and his staff divided the liquid into small portions and everyone tried it at home.
As a result, the unpleasant smell disappeared in every home, and the product was more effective than the deodorant products of major company.

He was so intrigued that he tried the liquid on various items and found that it reacted only to unpleasant odors such as decomposing organic matter and ammonia, but not to the fragrance of the flowers themselves.
He asked three universities to verify the effectiveness and safety of the product, and in 1998, he commercialized it as a bio-deodorant liquid with 100% natural ingredients, "Kie~ru.

In 1998, the 100% natural bio-deodorant solution "Kie~ru" was commercialized, and at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, it was donated by the Japanese Red Cross Society.
The product was also used to deodorize temporary toilets, drainage, and garbage during the Eastern Hokkaido Earthquake and Kumamoto Earthquake.

Further research revealed that the liquid has the effect of welcoming bad bacteria in the soil and increasing good bacteria, which is also useful for soil regeneration, and the liquid fertilizer for horticulture "Soil Revitalization" was commercialized, and the liquid that passed the 2020 quality standard was named "Zen-Dama Activated Water.

In recognition of such activities, "Bio-Manufacturing Environment Daizen Corporation" was awarded the 8th "Discover Rural and Mountainous Village Treasures" Special Prize (Nice Naming Award) selected by the Cabinet Secretariat and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on December 10, 2021.

Mr. Kubonouchi, the second president of the company, commented, "We would like to make efforts to contribute our products and technologies to environmental issues from Japan to the world."
Good luck!
心せわしい年の瀬…と云っても、1月~3月 、5月~6月、7月~9月コロナ禍での
は~い貴方 ! 手を洗わず店に入るの(≧∇≦)駄目でしょう?と、言った所、
貴方 ! その洗い方、洗ってないのと同じ、綺麗に洗いなさいと注意した所

The end of the year is a busy time for both body and feeling...
However, in 2021, I could hardly open my Enoki due to the declaration of emergency due to the Covid-19 disaster from January to March, May to June, and July to September.
We were closed for more than four months, and it was a year of mental stress as we were unable to go anywhere for fun.

We finally reopened, but I heard that a new strain of coronavirus has emerged, so humans will have to live with the virus for a while.
For the past two years, everyone has been wearing masks when they go out.
When you enter a store, you have to sanitize with alcohol.
Everyone seems to be following proper hygiene.
However, there are some people who don't follow hygiene.

There is a water tap for washing hands next to the restroom in Nonbei Yokocho.
One day, as I was washing my hands, a young man came out of the restroom door.
He didn't wash his hands and tried to go into a nearby restaurant!

I couldn't help but call out, "Hey you! You can't go in without washing your hands," I warned him.
He replied with a straightforward "Yes" and reluctantly went to the tap to wash only the tips of his fingers.

I said "Hey..." I warned him again,
"You're not washing your hands that way, you should wash your hands properly.
This time, she put a lot of soap on his hands and started scrubbing them.
I was dumbfounded, but he smiled when I praised him for washing his hands.
Maybe a lot of men don't make a habit of washing their hands even though there is a water tap available?

With only a few months left in this year, let's have fun with cheerful faces and resonant voices without irritation!
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