





*This diary was written by customer Mr N.


This year will be 10 years since I first went to Enoki.
I haven't been going many times, but each time has been very fulfilling and intense.
I enjoy talking to Chizuru Mama and the customers up close.
I report to Mama when something happy happens.
Enoki is a very grateful place for me where I can take the people I care for to dinner.

I have been living and working as an actor in Bangladesh since the end of last May.
I am now in love with Bangladesh, fascinated by the beautiful smiles and energy of the Bangladeshi people.
It is said to be the most super-friendly country in the world!
They are really kind, and even though I am 40 years old and can barely speak English, let alone Bengali, I am having a lot of fun every day.

At the end of the year, I was filming for a TV drama.
This chance is not mine but it happened because of the history and relationship between Japan and Bangladesh.
The accumulation of Japanese people who have been involved in Bangladesh has made this situation possible.

However, many people in Japan do not know about Bangladesh.
I also knew very little about it until I travelled there a year ago.

My dream is to let many Japanese people know about Bangladesh.
I will return to Japan once in June this year and I am looking forward to visiting Enoki.
I am planning to go with Bangladeshis at that time.
I look forward to speaking with Mama.
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