
故郷 | Hometown


 豊かな自然の恵み。 本当に野菜が美味しくて、しかも安い。 四季折々の美しい景色もため息が出るほど素晴らしく、東京にいる友達や家族に見せてあげたいなぁといつも思っています。 
そんな素敵な田舎暮らしですが自然は優しいだけではない、例えば雪。 雪国の人で雪が好きな人はいないでしょうね。 今年は大雪が早く降りました。 朝、出勤前に除雪。 仕事から帰ってきたら車を入れるためにまた除雪(これは地味に体も心も疲れるんです)。 積もり方によっては屋根の雪下ろし。 今年(去年)はすでに3回屋根に登りました。 
 そんな自分は、東京に帰って来て渋谷に来ると、、、スクランブル交差点で深呼吸しちゃうんです。 自分で笑っちゃいますよ。 東京の空気は美味しい!
 それから『えのき』に行きます。 チズルさんとビールで乾杯すると、、、
「ハァ〜、帰ってきたぁ〜」と思うんです。 東京は自分にとって故郷だったんだなぁ。 地方の方が東京で頑張ってたまに里帰りする気持ちを身読している気がします。
 自分が暮らしている下田地域。 素晴らしい所です。 冬景色は水墨画のように美しい。 アウトドアブランドsnow peakの本社がありほぼ1年中アウトドアを楽しめるキャンプの聖地です(冬は雪中キャンプというのが流行ってるんだとか)。


*This diary was written by customer Mr K.

I live in one of the most rural areas of Niigata Prefecture, in the Shitada region of Sanjo city, Niigata Prefecture.
Four years after I started living there, I'm still impressed by the abundance of nature's bounty. 
Especially, vegetables are really tasty and cheap.
The beautiful scenery in each of the four seasons is stunning.
I always wish I could show my friends and family living in Tokyo. 

For me, it's a lovely country life, but nature is not only kind.
For example, Niigata Prefecture gets a lot of snow.
I don't think anyone from a snowy area likes snow.
Today, it snowed heavily again and I had to clear the snow in the morning before going to work.
When I came back from work, I had to clear the snow again to park my car.
(Shoveling snow after work slowly tires my body and mind.)
Depending on how much snow has accumulated, I have to remove snow from the roof.
I have already climbed on the roof three times this year...

When I come back to Tokyo, I sometimes visit Shibuya and take a deep breath at the scramble crossing.
I laugh at myself, but...
The air in Tokyo is delicious! lol
Then I go to Enoki.
When I toast to beer with Chizuru-san, I feel "Ah, I'm back!
Tokyo is my hometown.

I know people from far away are going to school and work in Tokyo and sometimes go back to their hometowns.
I suppose everyone is doing their best.

The Shitada area where I live is a wonderful place.
The winter scenery is as beautiful as an ink painting.
Also there is the headquarters of the outdoor brand Snow Peak is located here and it is a mecca for camping, where you can enjoy the outdoors almost all year round.
(I heard that snow camping is popular nowadays)
 Please visit, and if you are a customer of Enoki, I will show you around.
 I'll be back to Enoki for a drink when it gets warmer.
See you soon!
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