
懐かしい福岡 …会って食べての出会い | Nostalgic reunion in Fukuoka, meeting and eating


そろそろの時間?? 社員の皆さんとお別れを言い

冬牡蠣 「3月迄」との情報で牡蠣を食べに車で40分くらいの場所「糸島」へ足を運ぶ。

I flew to Fukuoka prefecture after five years to meet the president of the former company I used to work for.

While I was getting on the highway bus from Fukuoka Airport, I looked at the cityscape of Fukuoka from the bus window, there are many cars running.
Of course, there are many cars in Tokyo, but I was surprised at how many cars there are in Fukuoka, and arrived at the current company of the former president.

The employees warmly welcomed me and talked about various topics such as life in Tokyo.
It was almost time for the end of work, I said goodbye to all the employees.
The Ex-president and I headed to Asakura City that can be reached in about 20 minutes by car.

I heard there was severely damage due to heavy rains in northern Kyushu in July 2017, heavy rains of 500 mm or more fell around Asakura City.
The sediment and drifting trees from the mountains to flow to nearby roads, bridges, and residential areas.
Now, the city is getting better but I could feel that accident.
I arrived at Haratsuru Onsen town while listening to the explanation four years ago.
This time I will stay at a great hotel called Taisenkaku.
I could see the Chikugo River from my room.
Unfortunately there wasn't last year, but there are fireworks every summer.
There is also a departure and arrival place for Ukai's houseboat too.
I have visited this hot spring inn four times, and both dinner and breakfast are so nice!!
We ate and drank the food and broke up with ex-president around 9 pm.
I slowly soaked in the hot springs in a large room and fell great asleep.

The next day, I took a highway bus again to Tenjin in Hakata and met with 3 friends.
After hearing the information that winter oysters can be eaten deliciously until March, we went to "Itoshima", a place about 40 minutes by car from Tenjin to eat oysters.
There are many resort houses where you can kayak and marine sports.
Itoshima is a place visited by many tourists.
There are about 20 oyster huts, and We ordered 2 kg of oysters! I was happy that the oyster price is reasonable.
I baked bite-sized oysters, put cheese and butter on them! We ate a lot of oysters and returned to Tenjin.

At night, I ate the famous "Yobuko Squid Katsuzukuri" that I really wanted to eat.
After drinking at some bars, I finished my trip to Fukuoka.
It was a really delicious trip.
Everyone who saw this blog, must try to visit Fukuoka.
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