
「お気に入りの飲み屋での一杯は、心が温まります。」「Warming heart and soul over drinks in my beloved bar」




私は、渋谷にとどまろうと思っています。だってママさんが、そういったばかげたことは必ず未然に防いでくれるでしょうから。(訳 田端節子)

My favorite bar in Tokyo, Enoki, is in a row of old houses, squashed down the side of Shibuya Station, called "Drunkard's Alley." It seats 10, with another six upstairs, and one needs an introduction to be able to come in.

The mama-san welcomed me warmly even when I couldn't speak any Japanese, and I would watch the rapid to-and-fro of conversation like a tennis match. She is an excellent cook, a skillful server of drinks and very open-hearted. But she can also be strict, especially to company CEOs with a higt opinion of themselves. They seem to enjoy her sometimes sharp teasing.

Once, an older man with his young female colleague came to the bar, and she clearly didn't know how to behave politely in such a place. Finally, mama-san said, "Younger sister, Please understand that there are ways to follow..." and kindly explained some manners to her . The girl was deeply touched. She said no one had ever taken the trouble to talk to her like that in her life.

If you squashed 10 Scots into a bar that size, it wouldn't be long before someone complained of having an elbow in their side, or a beer in their ear. And then there would be a pushing and a shoving, and it might all end in what we Scots call a "Glasgow kiss" --the resounding crack of a head-butt.

I think I'll stay Shibuya, where mama-san would be sure to prevent any such nonsense. (ジョーン・アンダーソン)

Asahi Weekly Sunday,November 18,2018 
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