
お年賀 | New Year's Day


5:00 !!そろそろ開店、のれんを出すや、数分後いつのまにか席が満席
賑やかに31年1/4日 オープン
実物も知らない、初来店のお客様方 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) ど~~ォ~~と大笑い
余りにも面白く、1杯のお酒が2杯、3杯と スイ~スイ喉元へ、酒の量が増えて行く
特に えのき 定番の「ポテトサラダ」5.6人分ぐらいしか作らないが、大変好評で


On New Year 's first day of business where various people return to Enoki on January 4, 31th Heisei (Heisei is imperial era name 31th Heisei = 2019).
When we opened at 5 p.m., the seats were full before a few minutes in a while. Some customer came after the job of the first business day, some customer was temporary back to Japan, and regular customers came.
It became a bustling first day!

However, some new customers ware warned by me that the way of greeting as first visitors...
The greeting with good manners is important.
Afterwards, I also drank alcohol and became tipsy a bit, so encouraging new customers by telling them failed stories of regular customer who have been visiting for a long time.
Customers who do not even know the real person also laughed a lot about that story.
One glass of alcohol we ordered soon disappeared their ordered. They ordered a few glasses more soon.
They laughed too much and their stomachs were empty, so they ordered the foods put in front of them.
Especially Enoki's classic menu "Potato Salad" is made only about 5 or 6 people everyday, it was very popular that day.

Such was the first day of the start of this year 2019.
My most relieved scene is your smile when you left Enoki. It is evidence of you felt confortable and enjoyed!
It was a wonderful sunny day as soon as the New Year.
Happy New Year!
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