
店の「ドア」と 「のれん」 "Doors" and "Noren curtain" in restaurant


「あの…始めての客ですが良いですか ? 」
一眼見て、「どうぞ ! 」……「う~~ん」、「今日は予約が入っています」
え~~なぜ断るの~ ? の 、毎日の連発

文化の違いかもしれないが、少しお行儀が悪いと感じて 大変残念である。

When opening in my restaurant, I hung "Noren" to the door of entrance.
(Noren is a cotton curtain hannging at the entrance of shops or restaurants.
It originally indicated the nature of business and longstanding history of the shop, but today it is used mostly for decorative purposes)

Before I hang my noren, clean the front of the shop and sprinkle a little water.
On the glass of the door, fold the two in the middle of the noren in half and hang it so that the inside of the restaurant looks better.
It has been decorating the entrance of Enoki for decades.

I think many first customers are wondering if they should enter or not.
The first customer walks back and forth in front of the door before deside to enter.
"I am the first customer, can I seat?"
I desided by the first impression of someone because Enoki is not so wide.
"here you go ! "
"Sorry, I have many reservation today"
I answer a lot of kind pattern.
Sometime the customer not convinced when I decline.

In recent years the number of foreign visitors has increased in the area of ​​Nonbei-Yokocho.
Of course it is nice to have more customers.
Unfortunately there are a lot of people who open the door of the shop without hesitating to enter the restaurant suddenly.
Outside of noren curtain, taking pictures without taking permission, shooting pictures inside the shop, grabbing noren curtain, pulling noren curtain.
It may be a cultural difference, but I feel very sorry to feel a little bad manners.
I think they should study Japanese culture more.
And by continuing to communicate this culture, we believe that real hospitality "Omotenasi" can be made, more pleasant travels and more delightful people will be joined.
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