
京都桂離宮 / Kyoto Katsura Rikyu


京都 の 西に面している「桂離宮」のチケットがとれたので
友人2名と、 ナイロン袋の上に腰掛けようと想った、その時
ガサガサと音がした   なんだろうと思った瞬間、まだ幼い蛇が
"こら" と声をかけると、蛇とカエルがキョトンとして1.2分
全く動く気配なしー??      "カエルちゃん~何処か早く隠れなさい、蛇から喰われるよ"

I got tickets for public open day of "Katsura Rikyu" (Katsura Imperial Villa) on the west side of Kyoto, I went to Kyoto.
From Shijo Station to Hankyu Karasuma station a few minutes on foot, take the Hankyu train and get off at Katsura station.
That time was lunch time, I bought rice balls and some foods inside the station on the premise that we will eat in the park of Katsura Rikyu.

When we arrived at the Katsura Rikyu, there was a sign for "ban on bringing in food".
There was no choice, we walked for about 15 minutes while it was raining, decided to go along the river nearby and eat the foods we bought in the downhill area.
When I sitting on a plastic bag with two friends, I suddenly heard a shadow from the bushes.
At the moment when I turned around looking back, a small snake was following the frog!
Wow! Snakes and frogs! But it's cute!
When saying "Hey," the snake and the frog stopped moving and was looking at my face for 1.2 minutes.
The serpent disappeared in the bushes, but the frog kept moving and watching me.
 "Frog - you must hide somewhere soon, you will be eaten from snakes"
I made it to the bushes next to the river.
Friends who were watching that appearance, they seem to be completely uninterested by eating.
Snake and frog were bad for them.
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