
『満開の桜釜石へ』 Off to Kamaishi for SAKURA(cherry blossom)watching


『釜石呑ん兵衛横丁と渋谷のんべい横丁』との 姉妹交流

I went to Kamaishi-City in Iwate Prefecture with other owners and some customers.
Our "Shibuya Nonbei Yokocho" and "Kamaishi Nonbei Yokocho" have sister Yokochos reration. We've been there 4th times since 2011... Kamaishi had hit tsunami when we had the Great East Japan Earthquake. We're keeping touch them to the earthquakes reconstruction support.

That time we caught a steam locomotive to go Kamaishi station that design inspiration from Kenji Miyazawa's world(he is well-known Japanese author was born in Iwate) . It is one of support for back to normal by JR.

We ware passing through many tunnels and awsome cherry blossoms again and again, over the mountains, then we arrived.

Companies from sister yokochos took us traces of tsunami attack, there was new building and blooming flowers, I felt there is surely getting better than last year!

We had great time to see them with cherry blossoms.
All of Kamaishi people is earthquake survivors as we knew, they never forget tsunami but they were smiling with positive words under the tree, that's why SAKURA =cherry blossoms is one of natinal flower in Japan.
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